Source code for ryo_iso.tasks.main

import os as _os
import sys as _sys
import glob as _glob
import re as _re
import subprocess as _subprocess
import time as _time
import shlex as _shlex
import doit as _doit
import shutil as _shutil
import importlib_resources as _resources
from pathlib import Path as _Path
from contextlib import contextmanager as _contextmanager
from loguru import logger as _logger

from ryo_iso.tasks.init import task_init
import ryo_iso.config as _config
import ryo_iso.utils as _utils

    'backend': 'json',
    'default_tasks': ['build'],
    'verbosity': 2,
    'failure_verbosity': 0

# If config context is defined
if _config._ctx is not None:
    _ctx = _config._ctx
    # Initialize Logger
    if 'LOGURU_LEVEL' not in _os.environ.keys() and not _ctx['config'].app_cfg['debug']:
        # FIXME: Remove before flight
        _logger.add(_sys.stderr, level="WARNING")
        _logger.add(_sys.stderr, level="DEBUG")

    # Import progress bar or no-op.
    if not _ctx['config'].app_cfg['progress']:
        def _tqdm(*args, **kwargs):
            if args:
                yield args[0]
            yield kwargs.get('iterable', None)
        from tqdm import tqdm as _tqdm

[docs]def task__reset_sudo_timestamp(): """ Reset ``sudo`` timestamp Invalidate credential cache :actions: - ``sudo -k`` - ``sudo true`` """ return { 'actions': ["sudo -k", "sudo true"], }
[docs]def task__debug_config(): """ Debug configuration information Dump composited config :actions: - :func:`task__debug_config.print_debug` """ def print_debug(targets): print(repr(_ctx['config'])) return { 'actions': [print_debug], }
[docs]def task__build_init(): """ Setup build directories Creates ``./build/log`` and ``./build/backup`` :actions: -, ['build/log'] -, ['build/backup'] :targets: - build/log - build/backup """ return { 'actions': [(, ['build/log']), (, ['build/backup'])], 'targets': ['build/log','build/backup'], }
[docs]def task__hash_cache(): """ Cache latest upstream ISO hashes Download SHA256SUMS* to $XDG_CACHE_HOME/ryo-iso/ :actions: - _ctx['config'].distro_hash_cache - :func:`ryo_iso.config.Config.ubuntu_hash_cache` :task_dep: - :func:`task__build_init` :targets: - ~/.cache/ryo-iso/SHA256SUMS - ~/.cache/ryo-iso/SHA256SUMS.gpg """ return { 'actions': [_ctx['config'].distro_hash_cache], 'task_dep': ['_build_init'], 'targets': list(_ctx['config'].cache.values()), }
[docs]def task__hash_check(): """ Check cached upstream ISO hashes Validate GPG signature for checksums in $XDG_CACHE_HOME/ryo-iso/ :actions: - _ctx['config'].distro_hash_check - :func:`ryo_iso.config.Config.ubuntu_hash_check` :file_dep: - '~/.cache/ryo-iso/SHA256SUMS' - '~/.cache/ryo-iso/SHA256SUMS.gpg' :uptodate: -`task__hash_cache`) """ return { 'actions': [_ctx['config'].distro_hash_check], 'file_dep': list(_ctx['config'].cache.values()), 'uptodate': ['_hash_cache')], }
[docs]def task__hash_version(): """ Extract latest version information from the hash Locates the implicit full release version with fallback for archived releases :actions: - _ctx['config'].distro_hash_version - :func:`ryo_iso.config.Config.ubuntu_hash_version` :uptodate: -`task__hash_check`) """ return { 'actions': [_ctx['config'].distro_hash_version], 'uptodate': ['_hash_check')], }
[docs]def task__base_image_download(): """ Download base ISO images The download directory for the base ISO image is configured in ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ryo-iso/config.yml``; it defaults to ``distro_image_dir: ~/Downloads`` and is symlinked to ``base_image.iso`` in the project directory. Enable/disable progress indicator via the ``progress`` parameter in :ref:`config.yml` :actions: - :func:`task__base_image_download.download_iso` :uptodate: -`task__hash_version`) """ def download_iso(): """ ISO downloader curl ISO dowload subprocess with resume and optional progress reporting. """ iso_path = _ctx['config'].base_image['path'] iso_size = _ctx['config'].base_image['size'] iso_url = _ctx['config'].base_image['url'] # TODO: Resume partial downloads if iso_path.is_file(): _logger.debug("Base Image previously downloaded") else: cmd = "curl -J -C - --silent --remote-name " + iso_url with _tqdm(, total=iso_size, unit='byte', unit_scale=True, ascii=False) as status: # FIXME: Error checking with _subprocess.Popen(_shlex.split(cmd), bufsize=0, cwd=str(iso_path.parent), stdout=_subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=_subprocess.DEVNULL) as proc: while proc.poll() is None: if status and iso_path.is_file(): # Update progress bar status.n = iso_path.stat().st_size status.update(0) _time.sleep(1) if status: # Set progress bar to 100% status.n = iso_size status.update(0) return { 'actions': [download_iso], 'uptodate': ['_hash_version')], }
[docs]def task__base_image_check(): """ Check base ISO image hash Validate the base ISO image SHA256 checksum :actions: - _logger.debug, ["validate base ISO"] - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.profile_start` - _ctx['config'].distro_base_image_check, - :func:`ryo_iso.config.Config.ubuntu_base_image_check` - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.profile_stop` :task_dep: - :func:`task__build_init` :targets: - base_image.iso :uptodate: - True """ return { 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["validate base ISO"]), _utils.profile_start, _ctx['config'].distro_base_image_check, _utils.profile_stop], 'task_dep': ['_base_image_download'], 'targets': ['base_image.iso'], 'uptodate': [True], }
[docs]def task__base_mbr_extract(): """ Extract MBR partition from base ISO image Extract MBR partition on Ubuntu Jammy or later... :actions: - _logger.debug, ["extract MBR"] - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.profile_start` - ``dd if=base_image.iso bs=1 count=446 of=base_image.mbr`` - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.profile_stop` :file_dep: - base_image.iso :targets: - base_image.mbr :uptodate: - True """ # TODO: This should probably use a calver compare, but there is some time before an alphabet overflow issue task_log = _Path('build/log/mbr_extract.log') # FIXME: Ubuntu specific code if _ctx['config'].base_image['codename'] >= 'jammy': return { 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["extract MBR"]), _utils.profile_start, 'dd if=base_image.iso bs=1 count=446 of=base_image.mbr' ' > %s 2>&1' % task_log, _utils.profile_stop], 'file_dep': ['base_image.iso'], 'targets': ['base_image.mbr'], 'uptodate': [True] } else: return { 'actions': None, # 'file_dep': ['base_image.iso'] }
[docs]def task__base_efi_extract(): """ Extract EFI partition from base ISO image Extract EFI partition on Ubuntu Jammy or later... :actions: - _logger.debug, ["extract EFI"] - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.profile_start` - ``dd if=base_image.iso of=base_image.efi`` - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.profile_stop` :file_dep: - base_image.iso :targets: - base_image.efi :uptodate: - True """ pass # TODO: Implement Internal feature flags? Move this from being a task to being a library? # FIXME: Ubuntu specific code task_log = _Path('build/log/efi_extract.log') if _ctx['config'].base_image['codename'] >= 'jammy': return { 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["extract EFI"]), _utils.profile_start, 'dd if=base_image.iso bs=512' ' skip="$(sfdisk --json base_image.iso | jq .partitiontable.partitions[1].start)"' ' count="$(sfdisk --json base_image.iso | jq .partitiontable.partitions[1].size)"' ' of=base_image.efi' ' > %s 2>&1' % task_log, _utils.profile_stop], 'file_dep': ['base_image.iso'], 'targets': ['base_image.efi'], 'uptodate': [True] } else: return { 'actions': None, # 'file_dep': ['base_image.iso'] }
[docs]def task__base_image_extract(): """ Extract files from base ISO image Extract ISO image to ``./image`` in the project directory :actions: - _logger.debug, ["extract image"] - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.profile_start` - ``sudo xorriso -osirrox on -indev base_image.iso -extract / image`` - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.profile_stop` :file_dep: - base_image.iso :targets: - image/.disk/base_installable :uptodate: - True """ task_log = _Path('build/log/base_image_extract.log') return { 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["extract image"]), _utils.profile_start, 'sudo xorriso -osirrox on -indev base_image.iso -extract / image' ' > %s 2>&1' % task_log, _utils.profile_stop], 'file_dep': ['base_image.iso'], 'task_dep': ['_base_mbr_extract','_base_efi_extract'], 'targets': ['image/.disk/base_installable'], 'uptodate': [True], }
[docs]def task__squashfs_extract(): """ Extract files from squashfs Extract squashfs to ``./squashfs-root`` in project directory :actions: - _logger.debug, ["extract squashfs"] - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.profile_start` - ``sudo unsquashfs image/casper/filesystem.squashfs`` - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.profile_stop` :file_dep: - base_image.iso - image/.disk/base_installable :targets: - squashfs-root/etc/os-release """ # TODO: Generate progress bar using `image/casper/filesystem.size` task_log = _Path('build/log/squashfs_extract.log') server_squashfs_path = _Path('image/casper/ubuntu-server-minimal.squashfs') if server_squashfs_path.exists(): squashfs_path = server_squashfs_path else: squashfs_path = _Path('image/casper/filesystem.squashfs') return { 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["extract squashfs"]), _utils.profile_start, 'sudo unsquashfs %s' % str(squashfs_path), ' > %s 2>&1' % task_log, _utils.profile_stop], 'file_dep': ['base_image.iso','image/.disk/base_installable'], 'targets': ['squashfs-root/etc/os-release'] }
[docs]@_doit.create_after(executed='_squashfs_extract') def task__mount_dev(): """ Mount pseudo-filesystems in squashfs-root Mount /proc, /dev, /sys mountpoints inside squashfs-root :actions: - ``sudo mount %s %s %s`` """ yield { 'name': None, 'doc': 'Mount pseudo-filesystems in squashfs', 'task_dep': ['_squashfs_extract'], } mnt = ({"src":"/dev", "dst":"squashfs-root/dev", "opt":"--bind"}, {"src":"/dev/pts", "dst":"squashfs-root/dev/pts", "opt":"--bind"}, {"src":"/run/dbus", "dst":"squashfs-root/run/dbus", "opt":"--bind"}, {"src":"none", "dst":"squashfs-root/proc", "opt":"-t proc"}, {"src":"none", "dst":"squashfs-root/sys", "opt":"-t sysfs"},) # NOTE: This mounts on the second try, not sure if actually needed. # {"src":"none","dst":"squashfs-root/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc","opt":"-t binfmt_misc"} for mount in mnt: if _os.path.isdir(mount['dst']) and not _os.path.ismount(mount['dst']): yield { 'name': mount['dst'], 'actions': ['sudo mount %s %s %s' % (mount['opt'], mount['src'], mount['dst'])] }
[docs]def task__umount_dev(): """ Unmount pseudo-filesystems from squashfs-root Unmount /proc, /dev, /sys mountpoints inside squashfs-root :actions: - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.umount_dev` :uptodate: - False """ return { 'actions': [_utils.umount_dev], 'uptodate': [False], }
[docs]def task__squashfs_backup(): """ Backup files from image/squashfs Backup files to be restored after updating image/squashfs :actions: - ``sudo cp image/preseed/ubuntu.seed build/backup/ubuntu.seed`` - ``sudo cp squashfs-root/etc/apt/sources.list build/backup/sources.list`` - ``sudo mv squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf.orig`` :targets: - build/backup/ubuntu.seed - build/backup/sources.list - squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf.orig :task_dep: - :func:`task__mount_dev` :uptodate: - True """ return { 'actions': ['sudo cp image/preseed/ubuntu.seed build/backup/ubuntu.seed || true', 'sudo cp squashfs-root/etc/apt/sources.list build/backup/sources.list', 'sudo mv squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf.orig'], 'targets': ['build/backup/sources.list', 'squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf.orig'], 'task_dep': ['_mount_dev'], 'uptodate': [True], }
[docs]def task__squashfs_uname(): """ Patch ``uname`` in squashfs-root Monkey patches ``uname`` inside the chroot to report chrooted kernel version :actions: - ``sudo cp squashfs-root/bin/uname squashfs-root/bin/uname.orig`` - :func:`task__squashfs_uname.patch` - ``sudo mv squashfs-root/tmp/uname squashfs-root/bin/uname`` :targets: - squashfs-root/bin/uname.orig :task_dep: - :func:`task__squashfs_backup` """ def patch(): """ Monkey patch ``uname`` """ uname_path = _Path("squashfs-root/tmp/uname") with _resources.path("", 'uname') as patched_uname: _logger.debug("Install %s to %s"%(patched_uname, uname_path)) # NOTE: Python 3.5 shutil.copy does not accept pathlib.Path _shutil.copy(str(patched_uname),str(uname_path)) return { 'actions': ['sudo cp squashfs-root/bin/uname squashfs-root/bin/uname.orig', patch, 'sudo mv squashfs-root/tmp/uname squashfs-root/bin/uname'], 'targets': ['squashfs-root/bin/uname.orig'], 'task_dep': ['_squashfs_backup'], }
[docs]def task__squashfs_modinfo(): """ Patch ``modinfo`` in squashfs-root Patches ``modinfo`` inside the chroot to report chrooted kernel version :actions: - ``sudo mv squashfs-root/sbin/modinfo squashfs-root/bin/modinfo`` - :func:`task__squashfs_modinfo.patch` - ``sudo mv squashfs-root/tmp/modinfo squashfs-root/sbin/modinfo`` :targets: - squashfs-root/bin/modinfo :task_dep: - :func:`task__squashfs_uname` """ def patch(): uname_path = _Path("squashfs-root/tmp/modinfo") with _resources.path("", 'modinfo') as patched_uname: _logger.debug("Install %s to %s"%(patched_uname, uname_path)) # NOTE: Python 3.5 shutil.copy does not accept pathlib.Path _shutil.copy(str(patched_uname),str(uname_path)) # NOTE: modinfo is a multi-call binary symlinked to kmod and must have the same name return { 'actions': ['sudo mv squashfs-root/sbin/modinfo squashfs-root/bin/modinfo', patch, 'sudo mv squashfs-root/tmp/modinfo squashfs-root/sbin/modinfo'], 'targets': ['squashfs-root/bin/modinfo'], 'task_dep': ['_squashfs_uname'], }
[docs]def task__squashfs_resolv(): """ Install resolv.conf into squashfs-root Installs the local resolv.conf into squashfs-root to enable chrooted networking. :actions: - ``sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf`` :targets: - squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf :task_dep: - :func:`task__squashfs_modinfo` :uptodate: -'squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf') """ return { 'actions': ['sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf'], 'targets': ['squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf'], 'task_dep': ['_squashfs_modinfo'], 'uptodate': [True], }
[docs]def task__squashfs_apt_proxy(): """ Enable APT proxy Enable APT proxy while chrooted into squashfs-root :actions: - ``echo 'Acquire::http { Proxy \"http://localhost:3142\"; };' | sudo tee squashfs-root/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy`` :targets: - squashfs-root/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy :task_dep: - :func:`task__mount_dev` :uptodate: - True """ if 'apt' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg.keys(): return { 'actions': ["echo 'Acquire::http { Proxy \"http://localhost:3142\"; };'" ' | sudo tee squashfs-root/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy' ' > /dev/null'], 'targets': ['squashfs-root/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy'], 'task_dep': ['_mount_dev'], 'uptodate': [True], }
[docs]def task__squashfs_apt_key(): """ Install APT keys into squashfs Installs APT keys from ``./keys`` into squashfs-root Migrate to keys in ``/usr/share/keyrings`` ``deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/repo-keyring.gpg] ubuntu jammy main`` :actions: - ``sudo cp keys/*.gpg squashfs-root/...`` :targets: - ``squashfs-root/.../*.gpg`` :uptodate: - True """ keys = _glob.glob("keys/*.gpg") # FIXME: Ubuntu specific code if _ctx['config'].base_image['codename'] >= 'jammy': keyring_dir = "squashfs-root/usr/share/keyrings" else: keyring_dir = "squashfs-root/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d" for key in keys: key = key.split('/')[1] yield { 'name': key, 'actions': ['sudo cp keys/%s %s' % (key, keyring_dir)], 'targets': ['%s/%s' % (keyring_dir, key)], 'uptodate': [True], }
[docs]def task__squashfs_apt_repo(): """ Install custom APT repositories Add repositories to ``/etc/apt`` in squashfs-root """ task_log = _Path('build/log/squashfs_apt_repo.log') components = ['main','restricted','universe','multiverse'] if ('apt' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg.keys() and 'repository' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['apt'].keys()): repos = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['apt']['repository'] # Order dependencies if ``/etc/apt/sources.list`` is being updated src_files = filter(_os.path.isfile,repos) sources = list(filter(lambda f: _Path(f).name == 'sources.list',src_files)) if len(sources) == 0: update = None elif len(sources) == 1: update = sources[0] else: _logger.error("Multiple sources.list configured " + repr(sources)) _sys.exit(_os.EX_CONFIG) yield { 'name': None, 'doc': 'Install custom APT repositories', } for repo in repos: if (repo.startswith("deb ") or repo.startswith("deb-src ")): repo_slug = _re.sub(r"\[.*?\] ","",repo).split(" ")[1] repo_slug = _re.sub(r"https?://","",repo_slug) repo_slug = _re.sub(r"\.","_",repo_slug).split("/")[0] yield { 'name': repo_slug, 'actions': [(, ['Adding repository: %s' % repo_slug]), 'sudo chroot squashfs-root add-apt-repository' ' --yes "%s" >> %s 2>&1' % (repo,task_log)], # Ensure that sources.list is updated before add-apt-repository is run 'task_dep': ['_squashfs_apt_repo:%s' % update if update else '_squashfs_apt_key','_squashfs_resolv'], 'uptodate': [False], } elif (repo in components or repo.startswith("ppa:")): yield { 'name': repo, 'actions': [(, ['Adding repository: %s' % repo]), 'sudo chroot squashfs-root add-apt-repository' ' --yes "%s" >> %s 2>&1' % (repo,task_log)], # Ensure that sources.list is updated before add-apt-repository is run 'task_dep': ['_squashfs_apt_repo:%s' % update if update else '_squashfs_apt_key','_squashfs_resolv'], 'uptodate': [False], } elif _os.path.isfile(repo): if _Path(repo).name == 'sources.list': yield { 'name': repo, 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["Updating sources.list: %s" % _Path(repo).name]), 'sudo cp %s squashfs-root/etc/apt/sources.list' % repo], 'targets': ['squashfs-root/etc/apt/sources.list'], 'task_dep': ['_squashfs_apt_key'], 'uptodate': ['squashfs-root/etc/apt/sources.list')], } else: yield { 'name': repo, 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ['Adding to sources.list.d: %s' % _Path(repo).name]), 'sudo cp %s squashfs-root/etc/apt/sources.list.d/.' % repo], 'targets': ['squashfs-root/etc/apt/sources.list.d/%s' % _Path(repo).name], 'task_dep': ['_squashfs_apt_key'], 'uptodate': ['squashfs-root/etc/apt/sources.list.d')], } else: _logger.error("Configuration error: "+repo) _sys.exit(_os.EX_CONFIG)
[docs]@_doit.create_after(executed='_mount_dev') def task__squashfs(): """ Setup squashfs-root meta-task Calls all of the sub-tasks for setup of squashfs-root :task_dep: - :func:`task__squashfs_extract` - :func:`task__mount_dev` - :func:`task__squashfs_backup` - :func:`task__squashfs_uname` - :func:`task__squashfs_modinfo` - :func:`task__squashfs_resolv` - :func:`task__squashfs_apt_proxy` - :func:`task__squashfs_apt_key` - :func:`task__squashfs_apt_repo` """ return { 'actions': None, 'task_dep': ['_squashfs_extract', '_mount_dev', '_squashfs_backup', '_squashfs_uname', '_squashfs_modinfo', '_squashfs_resolv', '_squashfs_apt_proxy', '_squashfs_apt_key', '_squashfs_apt_repo'], }
[docs]def task__chroot_apt_up(): """ Chroot APT update & upgrade Chroot into squashfs-root and run ``apt update`` and ``apt-upgrade`` :actions: - _logger.debug, ["apt update/upgrade"] - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.profile_start` - ``sudo chroot squashfs-root apt-get update -y`` - ``sudo chroot squashfs-root apt-get upgrade -y`` - :func:`ryo_iso.utils.profile_stop` :task_dep: - :func:`task__squashfs` :uptodate: -'squashfs-root/etc/apt') -'squashfs-root/etc/apt/sources.list.d') """ task_log = _Path('build/log/chroot_apt_up.log') return { 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["apt update/upgrade"]), _utils.profile_start, 'sudo chroot squashfs-root apt-get update -y' ' > %s 2>&1' % task_log, 'sudo chroot squashfs-root apt-get upgrade -y' ' >> %s 2>&1' % task_log, _utils.profile_stop], 'task_dep': ['_squashfs'], 'uptodate': ['squashfs-root/etc/apt'),'squashfs-root/etc/apt/sources.list.d')], }
[docs]def task__chroot_apt_purge(): """ Chroot and purge APT packages Purges debian packages from squashfs-root chroot :actions: - _logger.debug, ["apt purge: "+pkg] - ``sudo chroot squashfs-root apt-get purge -y %s`` :task_dep: - :func:`task__chroot_apt_up` """ task_log = _Path('build/log/chroot_apt_purge.log') # NOTE: Purging is unordered if ('apt' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg.keys() and 'purge' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['apt'].keys()): pkgs = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['apt']['purge'] for pkg in pkgs: yield { 'name': pkg, 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["apt purge: "+pkg]), 'sudo chroot squashfs-root apt-get purge -y %s' #' >> %s 2>&1' % (pkg,task_log)], ' >> %s' % (pkg,task_log)], 'task_dep': ['_chroot_apt_up'], }
[docs]def task__chroot_apt_install(): """ Chroot and install APT packages Installs debian packages into squashfs-root chroot """ task_log = _Path('build/log/chroot_apt_install.log') # TODO: Config support for `--no-install-recommends --no-upgrade` if ('apt' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg.keys() and 'install' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['apt'].keys()): yield { 'name': None, 'doc': 'Chroot and install APT packages', } yield { 'name': 'setup', 'actions': [_utils.profile_start], 'task_dep': ['_chroot_apt_purge'], } pkgs = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['apt']['install'] prev = None for pkg in pkgs: yield { 'name': pkg, 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["apt install: "+pkg]), 'sudo chroot squashfs-root apt-get install -y %s' ' < /dev/null >> %s 2>&1' % (pkg,task_log)], # Chain sub-tasks in DAG for ordered install 'task_dep': ['_chroot_apt_install:%s' % prev if prev else '_chroot_apt_purge'], } prev = pkg yield { 'name': 'teardown', 'getargs': {'start': ('_chroot_apt_install:setup', 'start')}, 'actions': [_utils.profile_stop], 'task_dep': ['_chroot_apt_install:%s'%prev if prev else '_chroot_apt_install:start'], }
[docs]def task__chroot_dpkg_install(): """ Chroot and install Debian packages Installs local debian packages into squashfs-root chroot :actions: - _logger.debug, ["dpkg Install: "+pkg] - ``sudo cp dpkg/%s squashfs-root%s`` - ``sudo chroot squashfs-root dpkg -i %s/%s`` :targets: - squashfs-root/var/cache/apt/archives/%s :task_dep: - :func:`task__chroot_apt_install` """ task_log = _Path('build/log/chroot_dpkg_install.log') if ('dpkg' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg.keys() and 'install' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['dpkg'].keys()): # TODO: Make this configurable dst = "/var/cache/apt/archives" pkgs = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['dpkg']['install'] prev = None for pkg in pkgs: yield { 'name': pkg, 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["dpkg Install: "+pkg]), 'sudo cp dpkg/%s squashfs-root%s' % (pkg,dst), 'sudo chroot squashfs-root dpkg -i %s/%s' ' >> %s 2>&1' % (dst,pkg,task_log)], 'targets': ['squashfs-root%s/%s' % (dst,pkg)], # Chain sub-tasks in DAG for ordered install 'task_dep': ['_chroot_dpkg_install:%s'%prev if prev else '_chroot_apt_install'], } prev = pkg
[docs]def task__chroot_pip_cache(): """ Chroot and update pip cache Pre-load Python packages into squashfs-root chroot pip cache """ pip_dir = _Path('./python-wheels/') if ('pip' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg.keys() and pip_dir.is_dir()): pip_cache = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['pip']['cache'] return { 'actions': ['sudo chroot squashfs-root mkdir -p %s' % pip_cache, 'sudo cp -r %s squashfs-root/%s/wheels' % (pip_dir,pip_cache)], 'task_dep': ['_chroot_dpkg_install','_chroot_apt_install'], } else: return { 'actions': None, 'task_dep': ['_chroot_dpkg_install','_chroot_apt_install'], }
[docs]def task__chroot_pip_install(): """ Chroot and install pip packages Installs debian packages into squashfs-root chroot """ task_log = _Path('build/log/chroot_pip_install.log') # TODO: pip2 support, lol. if ('pip' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg.keys() and 'install' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['pip'].keys()): yield { 'name': None, 'doc': 'Chroot and install pip packages', } yield { 'name': 'setup', 'actions': [_utils.profile_start], } target = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['pip']['target'] cmd = "sudo chroot squashfs-root pip3 install" cmd += ' --verbose --upgrade --prefix=/usr/local' pkgs = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['pip']['install'] prev = None for pkg in pkgs: yield { 'name': pkg, 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["pip install: "+pkg]), '%s %s >> %s 2>&1' % (cmd,pkg,task_log)], 'task_dep': ['_chroot_pip_install:%s'%prev if prev else '_chroot_pip_cache'], } prev = pkg yield { 'name': 'teardown', 'getargs': {'start': ('_chroot_pip_install:setup', 'start')}, 'actions': [_utils.profile_stop], 'task_dep': ['_chroot_pip_install:%s'%prev if prev else '_chroot_pip_install:start'], }
[docs]def task__chroot_pip_local(): """ Chroot and install local pip packages from wheels Installs Python packages into squashfs-root chroot """ task_log = _Path('build/log/pip_local.log') if ('pip' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg.keys() and 'local' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['pip'].keys()): pip_cache = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['pip']['cache'] target = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['pip']['target'] cmd = "sudo chroot squashfs-root pip3 install" cmd += " --upgrade --prefix=/usr/local" cmd += " --no-index --find-links=%s/wheels" % (pip_cache) pkgs = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['pip']['local'] prev = None for pkg in pkgs: yield { 'name': pkg, 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["pip local: "+pkg]), '%s %s >> %s' % (cmd,pkg,task_log)], 'task_dep': ['_chroot_pip_local:%s'%prev if prev else '_chroot_pip_cache'], } prev = pkg
[docs]def task__chroot_patch(): """ Apply patch script If all else fails insert kludges here .. note:: The :ref:`patch <patch>` script is run outside of the chroot **if ('patch' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg.keys()):** :actions: - _logger.debug, ["Applying patch script"] - ``patch.bash`` # as defined in iso.yml **else:** :actions: - None :task_dep: - :func:`task__chroot_apt_install` - :func:`task__chroot_dpkg_install` - :func:`task__chroot_pip_install` - :func:`task__chroot_pip_local` """ task_log = _Path('build/log/patch.log') if ('patch' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg.keys()): patch = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['patch'] return { 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["Applying patch script"]), '%s > %s 2>&1' % (patch,task_log)], 'task_dep': ['_chroot_apt_install', '_chroot_dpkg_install', '_chroot_pip_install', '_chroot_pip_local'], } else: return { 'actions': None, 'task_dep': ['_chroot_apt_install', '_chroot_dpkg_install', '_chroot_pip_install', '_chroot_pip_local'], }
[docs]@_doit.create_after(executed='_squashfs') def task__chroot(): """ Chrooted meta-task Calls all of the sub-tasks applied inside the squashfs-root chroot """ return { 'actions': ['sudo mv squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf.orig squashfs-root/etc/resolv.conf', 'sudo rm -f squashfs-root/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy', 'sudo rm -f squashfs-root/var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*', 'sudo rmdir squashfs-root/var/cache/apt/archives/partial', 'sudo find squashfs-root/var/cache/apt/archives/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -delete', 'sudo rm -f squashfs-root/*.old', 'sudo mv squashfs-root/bin/uname.orig squashfs-root/bin/uname', 'sudo mv squashfs-root/bin/modinfo squashfs-root/sbin/modinfo', 'sudo cp build/backup/sources.list squashfs-root/etc/apt/sources.list', 'sudo rm -rf squashfs-root/home/*', 'sudo rm -rf squashfs-root/root/.cache'], 'task_dep': ['_squashfs', '_chroot_apt_up', '_chroot_apt_purge', '_chroot_apt_install', '_chroot_dpkg_install', '_chroot_pip_cache', '_chroot_pip_install', '_chroot_pip_local', '_chroot_patch'], }
[docs]def task__image_preseed(): """ Install preseed into image Installs preseed configuration into the extracted image :uptodate: -'image/preseed/ubuntu.seed') """ if _os.path.isfile('ubuntu.seed'): return { 'actions': ['sudo cp ubuntu.seed image/preseed/ubuntu.seed'], 'targets': ['image/preseed/ubuntu.seed'], 'task_dep': ['_umount_dev'], 'uptodate': ['image/preseed/ubuntu.seed')], } else: return { 'actions': None, 'task_dep': ['_umount_dev'], }
[docs]def task__image_squashfs_size(): """ Store the uncompressed squash filesystem size Compute and store squashfs size :uptodate: -'image/casper/filesystem.size') """ if _os.path.isfile('image/casper/filesystem.size'): return { 'actions': ['sudo du -sx --block-size=1 squashfs-root/ | cut -f1 | sudo tee image/casper/filesystem.size > /dev/null'], 'targets': ['image/casper/filesystem.size'], 'task_dep': ['_umount_dev'], 'uptodate': ['image/casper/filesystem.size')], } else: return { 'actions': None, 'task_dep': ['_umount_dev'], }
[docs]def task__image_squashfs_manifest(): """ Store the squashfs manifest Compute and store squashfs manifest :uptodate: -'image/casper/filesystem.manifest') """ task_log = _Path('build/log/manifest.log') return { 'actions': ["sudo chroot squashfs-root dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package} ${Version}\n'" ' | sudo tee image/casper/filesystem.manifest' ' > %s 2>&1' % task_log], 'targets': ['image/casper/filesystem.manifest'], 'task_dep': ['_umount_dev'], 'uptodate': ['image/casper/filesystem.manifest')], }
[docs]def task__image_squashfs_make(): """ Make squashfs Make image squashfs from squashfs-root """ return { 'actions': ['sudo mksquashfs squashfs-root image/casper/filesystem.squashfs -b 1048576 -noappend'], 'targets': ['image/casper/filesystem.squashfs'], 'task_dep': ['_image_squashfs_size', '_image_squashfs_manifest'], }
[docs]def task__image_checksum(): """ Generate checksums for image Generate md5sums for image contents :uptodate: -'image/md5sum.txt') """ return { 'actions': ['find -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | grep -v isolinux | grep -v md5sum.txt | sudo tee md5sum.txt > ../build/log/md5sum.log',cwd='./image')], 'targets': ['image/md5sum.txt'], 'task_dep': ['_image_squashfs_make'], 'uptodate': ['image/md5sum.txt')], }
[docs]@_doit.create_after(executed='_chroot') def task__image(): """ Setup image meta-task Calls all of the sub-tasks for final setup of image """ return { 'actions': None, 'task_dep': ['_chroot', '_umount_dev', '_image_preseed', '_image_squashfs_size', '_image_squashfs_manifest', '_image_squashfs_make', '_image_checksum'], }
[docs]def task__qemu_setup(): """ Setup QEMU Create disk image for VM install """ disk_image = _Path('build/image.raw') task_log = _Path('build/log/qemu_setup.log') # qemu_disk_size = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['qemu']['disk_size'] def create_image(): # 10GB disk image blocksize = 64* 1024 count = 20 * 1000 * 16 total_bytes = blocksize * count cmd = "dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=%d count=%d" % (str(disk_image), blocksize, count) with _tqdm(desc='Creating QEMU disk image', total=total_bytes, unit='byte', unit_scale=True, ascii=False) as status: with'w') as log: with _subprocess.Popen(_shlex.split(cmd), bufsize=0, stdout=log, stderr=log) as proc: while proc.poll() is None: if status and disk_image.is_file(): status.n = disk_image.stat().st_size status.update(0) _time.sleep(1) if status: status.n = total_bytes status.update(0) return { 'actions': [_utils.profile_start, create_image, _utils.profile_stop], 'task_dep': ['_build_init'], 'targets': [disk_image], 'uptodate': [True], }
[docs]def task_install(): """ Install ISO into QEMU VM Install ISO into VM """ qemu_cmd = "qemu-system-x86_64 -boot once=d,reboot-timeout=-1 -no-reboot -cdrom build/image.iso -drive file=build/image.raw,if=virtio,format=raw -m 2048 -vga virtio -enable-kvm -kernel ./image/casper/vmlinuz -append 'file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper noprompt debug-ubiquity automatic-ubiquity DEBCONF_DEBUG=5' -initrd ./image/casper/initrd" return { 'actions': [(_logger.debug, [qemu_cmd]), qemu_cmd], 'task_dep': ['_qemu_setup'], 'uptodate': [False], }
[docs]def task_start(): """ Start QEMU VM from installed image Start VM from image """ if ('qemu' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg.keys() and 'args' in _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['qemu'].keys()): qemu_args = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['qemu']['args'] else: qemu_args = '' qemu_cmd = "qemu-system-x86_64 -boot order=c,reboot-timeout=-1 -no-reboot -cdrom build/image.iso -drive file=build/image.raw,if=virtio,format=raw -m 8192 -smp 4 -vga virtio -enable-kvm -device qemu-xhci %s" % (qemu_args) return { 'actions': [(_logger.debug, [qemu_cmd]), qemu_cmd], 'file_dep': ['build/image.raw'], 'uptodate': [False], }
[docs]def task_build(): """ Roll Your Own ISO This is the primary build task """ def cleanup(): _utils.umount_dev() _utils.cleanup_data() task_log = _Path('build/log/build.log') volume_id = _ctx['config'].iso_cfg['name'] output_image = _Path('build/image.iso') # NOTE: "By default the program arguments of a xorriso run are interpreted as a sequence of commands" # # FIXME: Ubuntu specific code if _ctx['config'].base_image['codename'] >= 'jammy': return { 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["Volume ID: "+volume_id]), 'xorriso -as mkisofs -V "%s" -r -J -joliet-long -l' ' -iso-level 3 -partition_offset 16' ' --grub2-mbr base_image.mbr --mbr-force-bootable' ' -append_partition 2 0xEF base_image.efi -appended_part_as_gpt' ' -c /boot.catalog -b /boot/grub/i386-pc/eltorito.img' ' -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table' ' --grub2-boot-info -eltorito-alt-boot' ' -e --interval:appended_partition_2:all:: -no-emul-boot' ' -o %s image' ' > %s 2>&1' % (volume_id,output_image,task_log)], 'targets': [output_image], 'task_dep': ['_reset_sudo_timestamp', '_image'], 'clean': [cleanup], } else: return { 'actions': [(_logger.debug, ["Volume ID: "+volume_id]), 'xorriso -as mkisofs -V "%s" -R -J -joliet-long -l' ' -cache-inodes' ' -isohybrid-mbr /usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isohdpfx.bin' ' -partition_offset 16' ' -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/' ' -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table ' ' -no-emul-boot -eltorito-alt-boot -e boot/grub/efi.img' ' -no-emul-boot -isohybrid-gpt-basdat -isohybrid-apm-hfsplus' ' -o %s image' ' > %s 2>&1' % (volume_id,output_image,task_log)], 'targets': [output_image], 'task_dep': ['_reset_sudo_timestamp', '_image'], 'clean': [cleanup], }